Optimise your ticket sales with next-level reporting and analytics

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  • One of the most advanced reporting tools in the ticketing industry
  • Get real-time statistics, ticket sales and revenue reports
  • Know when your customers are buying tickets the most
  • Great for long or short term events
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See sales reports in real time
See sales reports in real time
Instantly know how your sales are going. Our live sales reporting dashboard allows you to see updated revenue and tickets sold at any given time. This helps you make sound and informed real-time desicions.
Track your conversions
Track your conversions
See conversions from various dimensions such as conversions from custom tracking links, set campaigns, source and medium, channels and online or offline sales.
Get cross-event reports in one place
Get cross-event reports in one place
Access reports for multiple events or attractions all in one go. Easily compare essential statistics and ticket sales between different events to see what’s selling and what’s not.
Analyse page traffic and traffic sources

Analyse page traffic and traffic sources

See where your page visits are coming from, and whether they are turning into conversions. Know your top referrer websites and track visits from custom tracking links.

Get in-depth reporting with integrated platforms

Get in-depth reporting with integrated platforms

We are integrated with the biggest players in the digital industry - Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok, Google Analytics, Adwords and more. Simply install pixels onto your page to see platform-specific conversion reports.

Learn more about integrations.

Compare revenue in daily, weekly and monthly periods

Compare revenue in daily, weekly and monthly periods

View your revenue reports within set periods of time, whether daily, weekly or monthly. This allows you have a quick look of your daily sales and also to compare week-on-week or month-on-month sales.

Know your ticket buyers

Know your ticket buyers

Demographics report provides you vital customer data such as nationality, location and mobile device usage. This information helps you define your target audience and re-target customers with the same demographic to optimise ticket sales.

Analyse booking window

Analyse booking window

Evaluate whether your customers are early bird or last-minute ticket buyers. Booking window data is essential to effectively schedule marketing campaigns and to make time-sensitive decisions.

Gain insight into your daily occupancy

Gain insight into your daily occupancy

Daily occupancy report shows the number of tickets purchased over total capacity per day, in a calendar format. This is useful for determining which days have high and low demand.

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